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We communicate regularly to all parents/carers through school newsletters and messages. For specific activities and events involving groups or classes we issue separate letters/messages. In common with other Argyll and Bute schools we also use a communication system called Groupcall / Messenger 5 to communicate with parents/carers by email, app notification or text.


We have an established Facebook page on which we share information about school events and learning activities and celebrate school achievements.


Our school website also provides up-to-date information about the school.


We hold termly Parent / Teacher Open or Appointment sessions to give parents/carers the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher and to see their child’s work. These sessions also link to the Pupil Progress Reports that we issue in the Autumn and Summer Terms.


We use the Seesaw website and app to share children’s learning with all parents on a regular basis to keep them up to date on their child’s progress.


We also invite parents to enjoy whole school or stage events such as P1 and P2 Nativity, our Christmas Craft Fayre and Concert and our biennial Spring Concert.


Argyll & Bute’s Parental Engagement Strategy may be viewed here.





Homework will include work that:

  • focuses on skills; e.g. reading, spelling, handwriting, maths

  • links to subject or interdisciplinary learning

  • or provides specific learning challenges.


Teachers let parents/carers know by letter at the beginning of the school session when homework will be set and how much homework they can expect their child to be doing each week.


Each time they set homework, teachers explain it to the class and give children the opportunity to ask questions about it. Homework is recorded by either the teacher or the child in the child’s Reading Record or Homework Jotter.


Parents/carers are encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher if they have any questions about homework that is set, or need to let the teacher know if their child is finding homework too difficult or is unable for some reason to complete it.


When children first start school there will be an emphasis in their homework on working with an adult; learning letters and words, reading together and talking about their learning in school. As children move up through the school they will be expected to provide more written work and to show more independence, initiative and responsibility in responding to the challenges of homework tasks. At all times, both in school and at home, the role of adults is to show interest in, encourage, guide and support children in their learning.



Becoming Involved in School


All schools have a Parent Council – to get involved please contact the school.  Schools will also issue specific information related to this at the start of the school year.


The school values the important part that parents/carers play in their children’s education and sees partnership with parents/carers as an effective way of enhancing children’s achievements and promoting better school ethos and communication.



Opportunities for Parental Involvement


Examples of opportunities for parental involvement are as follows:


During the school day: â€‹

  • Art/Craft activities

  • Sharing knowledge and expertise in some aspect of the curriculum (e.g. topic talk), history, science, health

  • Practical activities in science, maths, social subjects, health education (e.g. first aid) or technology

  • Reading stories to groups of children, playing reading/phonics games

  • Supervising board games

  • Teaching playground games

  • Golden Time activities, e.g. board games, art and craft in small groups

  • Running or assisting to run a Lunch Club

  • Supporting educational visits/trips

  • School concerts – making costumes, props, supervision of children

  • Road safety – Cycle Training


Outwith the school day:

  • Fundraising events

  • Trips, e.g. sporting events, concerts

  • Wider-curricular activities, e.g. coaching, sports/art clubs/country dancing/school grounds – maintenance of garden/allotment areas.


If you wish to be a regular parent helper, PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) checks must be completed.  Please discuss this with staff.



Updated: 04/2024




Useful Links


Guidance on the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 provides guidance on the act for education authorities, Parent Councils and others 


Parentzone provide information and resource for parents/carers and Parent Councils 


Education Scotland’s toolkit for parental engagement and family learning


Opportunites for PI
Becoming Involved
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